Thursday 19 July 2012

The wheels on the bike...

So I have had a big week of exercise.

Monday - an hour of tennis training followed by another hour of what is aptly labelled 'cardio tennis'. Lets just say that if you miss a shot in one of the various (intense) drills, sprints and 'burpies' are the punishment. Oh deary me... Do you know what a 'burpie' is? It sounds so cute and innocent. What a &^$%& %&*%*& #$$&#*&#()*#)(*#(*&#&*(^*&$*^$*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In case you do not know what this delightful little activity is, I have defined it per the below (from the 'Urban Dictionary):

To experience a burpie,start off with feet together in a wide bent over hands on the ground position, kick your legs back behind you,(so it looks like you are going to do a push up), bring them back forward to your starting position, then stand up, jump and reach for the sky. Repeat.

Try doing that 20 times in a row with a coach yelling at you. I had so many expletives running through my mind that I think I invented some new ones. I wanted to poke my finger in his chest and explain that he did not have 10 kilo breasts that displace one's centre of gravity when repetitively hurling oneself toward the ground... Pheeewww....breathing out the tension from that memory.

Tuesday - I did a spin class last night, 15kms in 45mins. Needless to say I nearly died, truly. I almost fainted twice and had to stop and snap out of it, draw myself back from the brink of collapsing (a frightening vision of humungo girl, crashing to the floor while the resident stick figures attempted to haul her back up unsuccessfully). When I got home I spun out ('scuse the pun) again and had had a 'hypo' attack (really low blood sugar), however, an orange and a couple of jelly beans and I was fine. If by fine I mean limping around with every part of my body screaming in pain. Surprisingly though, I was okay the next day. No pain and I was feeling I dare say "good". High effort, high results I guess. However, I can't get rid of the unnatural feeling of dislike towards the spin class trainer. Hmm...

Wednesday - two hours of tennis matches. Not as intense as the previous two days, but much more technically difficult. A poor woman and her 13 year old daughter absolutely thrashed my partner and I and looks quite displease to have such disappointing opponents. Quite funny as it turned out. I spent half the time terrified that I wasn't in the right spot, or that she (the mother) was going to bark another order at me (note that I have not played doubles before and as it turns out it is quite different). But she managed to have a laugh after her daughter nearly knocked me out with a missile-like serve that went straight towards my head.

Tonight is going to be a bit of a rest. I have a tendency to get a little gung-ho about weight loss and go crazy hardcore with both my diet and exercise and then suddenly seemingly without warning fizzle into a cheeseburger/carbohydrate binge that lasts for a month. And then it's over. Lard-arse lady is back in full form...

Till next time.


  1. What a fabulous week you've had Amygrace. I'm quite tired just reading the amount of exercise you've done. Congratulations. I've heard about cardio tennis and wondered what it was. Thanks for the info. Think it would be a great way to get the heart pumping. Keep going. I'm thinking with all the support 12wbt offers you, you'll be less likely to get a case of the fizzles.
    Have a great week.

  2. Thanks Ryn! The rain this week is certainly lowering the motivation but cardio tennis in the rain has certainly been a new experience! :)
