Tuesday 3 July 2012

Starting out...

At the beginning of a health kick I am always astounded at my ability to consume such fresh, lovely calories and barely reach 1000 calories per day. Feeling like a controlled goddess, I mentally strut about, shoulders back, self-rightious grin on my face waving at the gorging plebs beneath me. This is until I reach day eight.....ah yes, the day of vanilla slice and sneaky one dollar cheeseburgers, because, how can it really be bad to have "just one"?? Especially when it only costs a dollar! Besides, I am a controlled goddess remember? And so the decline begins.

The problem is, I eat really well at home. Tiny portions of fantastic health food....it's 'work binging' that get me every time. Well, no more I say. I want to love exercise and be so distracted by this love that I simply forget to eat.

Hmmm... vanilla slice......time for a cuppa tea I think!


  1. Hi AmyGrace, I agree it's really difficult to maintain the momentum sometimes. That's where i think this whole program does really feel. Such a great support network and always someone to make a comment on the stuff you achieve week by week.Take a packet of almonds to work. They are quite filling and they relieve the temptation from those pesky vanilla slices. Welcome to what I like to call the "Bloggettes'

  2. Ugh!! I know just how you feel!! I truly feel like I could have written that blog! Ha!!
    Looking forward to following your journey!
